Where do the ratings come from?
The rating displayed on each physician’s page, is the average score to the survey question: “How would you rate this provider?” It’s based on all the surveys completed for that provider in the last 12 months.
The minimum amount of survey responses required to display their average is 30, so newer physicians to Summit may not have scores for a period of time.
Who collects the ratings?
We work with Press Ganey, a nationally recognized and independent patient feedback organization, to survey our patients about their experiences.
This survey is used by many healthcare institutions across the country and is widely respected. Patients are randomly selected to complete the survey and the results are used to improve care.
As a commitment to being transparent to our patients, we are sharing the results.

How is patient information protected?
There is a two-step process completed for every review.
- An algorithm with natural language processing does a review and flags any concerning comments.
- Every comment (whether flagged or not) is reviewed by a staff member with HIPAA and PHI (protected health information) training to ensure our patients’ privacy.
Are all comments published?
The short answer is no; not all comments are published.
We do not post comments that include:
- Protected patient information
- Libel, profanity, or any harassment
- Wrong provider or service
- Other staff members without listing the provider
- Unrelated topic to care
Are any comments edited?
We make edits in the following situations:
- Misspelled provider name
- Spelling, grammar, or punctuation issues
- Removing last names of staff members (non-providers)
We never make edits to a comment that result in a different meaning. We maintain the integrity of the original comment’s intent and sentiment.