Find a Physical Therapist in the Cycling Program
What makes Summit’s Cycling Program unique?
It is an on and off bike analysis of a rider’s functional mobility, strength and positioning to aid in comfort, efficiency and enjoyment on a bike.
What happens in a cycling evaluation?
You will bring in your bike, riding shoes and bike shorts for the cycling evaluation.
A cycling trained therapist will assess your mobility and strength off the bike. Next, a 2D, multi-view video analysis is performed while cycling on a trainer to aid in assessing and demonstrating riding technique and positioning. The video has both high speed recording and slow motion playback. The physical therapist will suggest possible bike adjustments, training techniques, off bike exercises to enhance the riding experience.
What are the benefits?
You will be getting cycling advice from someone who not only is familiar with cycling and bicycle fitting, but also has an in depth knowledge of the body’s anatomy and mechanics. These elements must work together for the best individualized outcome.
Who is this program for?
Anyone who is having pain while riding their bike, trying to return to riding from an injury, or anyone who simply wants to feel better while on his/her bike.
What specialty training do the physical therapists have?
The therapists have specialized training in bike fitting as well as ongoing continuing education related to cycling injuries, biomechanics, and efficiency.
Is this an out of pocket service or covered under some insurance?
If there is underlying pain and a doctor’s order for physical therapy, it can be covered under insurance. However, every patient should consult with their insurance provider to confirm coverage. If there is not a physician order, then it is an out-of-pocket fee for the service.
Check out our Family Fun Cycling Guide for more great tips and recommended Minnesota trails.