*PRP injections can be used to treat a variety of conditions in many areas of the body. The video above is meant to illustrate the process of a PRP injection for just one condition – chronic knee pain.
Our experts deliver PRP with advanced ultrasound-guided injections to help heal damaged tissue.
What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections?
PRP is made from a person’s own blood. During the outpatient procedure that lasts 15-30 minutes, a blood sample is obtained from the patient and is placed into a centrifuge. This allows the blood to be separated out into its different components. One of these components are platelets, which circulate through the body and can aid in blood clotting. Concentrated platelets in PRP are shown in basic science and animal studies to improve the healing of bones and soft tissues injuries.
How is PRP delivered to the area of injury?
After the blood is collected and the platelets are concentrated, the PRP is injected to the area of injury with a needle guided by an ultrasound machine. This allows for us to precisely target the damaged tissue and help the body heal.
What conditions are commonly treated with PRP?
PRP is used to treat numerous acute and chronic conditions that affect ligaments and muscles. One of the most commonly treated injuries is Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis). There is also data suggesting that PRP is helpful in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Other body areas that can be treated include the hamstrings, Achilles tendon, and Jumper’s knee.
Is PRP safe?
Because PRP is taken from the patient’s own blood, it is safe. Common reactions after an injection include temporary pain and swelling.
Do I have to avoid sports after the injection?
A period of rest may be recommended after the injection before focused physical therapy and return to sport to allow for tissue healing.
PRP represents an exciting new way to return patients to sports and physical activity. More research is needed, however, to research the long-term effects and benefits of PRP.
Who performs PRP injections at Summit?
Meet Kirk Scofield, MD, CAQ Sports Medicine Specialist at Summit Orthopedics

Talk to your specialist about whether you would be a good candidate for this treatment offering.