Find a Physical Therapist in the Golf Program
What makes Summit’s Golf Program unique?
The physical therapists involved in the golf program have special training to examine the entire body for any range of motion or strength deficits that may hinder the golf swing.
What happens in a golf evaluation?
The physical therapist will take you through a series of exams in order to determine if there are any limitations that may hinder your golf swing. Once those limitations are determined, the therapist will create a customized program to address these issues. Depending on what we find in your evaluation we may additionally use manual therapy techniques, taping, and other therapy tools and techniques to help restore optimal function.
What are the benefits?
By establishing an individualized program, you will improve flexibility and strength which in turn reduces the likelihood of injury and improves performance.
Who is this program for?
The program is designed for the healthy patient or the patient recovering from an injury.
What’s the difference between a PT’s work for golf and the local pro?
PTs are trained at looking for impaired movement patterns and how they may hinder your golf swing. A local pro will be looking at the golf swing as a whole to determine how to improve any mechanical flaws. A lot of patients would benefit from working with a PT to address limitations but also a pro to help restore normal swing mechanics.
Will my golf game improve?
By improving any impairment it should help your golf pro make swing changes to improve your game. Additionally, the program will help prevent injury or a reoccurrence of the initial injury.
What specialty training do the physical therapists have?
The therapists are trained in the Titleist Performance Institute’s (TPI) evaluation. TPI is the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing.
Is this an out of pocket service or covered under some insurance?
Typically this is a covered service as its part of the physical therapist evaluation, but every patient should consult with their insurance provider. Additionally a PT order may be required by their insurance.