Find a Physical Therapist who specializes in Selective Functional Movement Assessment
What is Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)?
Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a system to assess and classify movement patterns in order to appropriately direct exercise and manual therapy treatments. The system is designed to get to the root of what is causing faulty movement patterns, and therefore your pain.
How does it work?
The SFMA begins by thoroughly observing and assessing movement patterns throughout the entire body, including movements of the neck, arms/shoulders, forward bend, backward bend, trunk rotation, single leg balance, and a deep squat.
Each of these movements is classified as either functional or dysfunctional and painful or non-painful. Each movement pattern that is classified as dysfunctional and non-painful is then broken down further into simpler movements to efficiently identify what may be the cause of movement deficiency, e.g., motor control or stability problems, joint restriction, or soft tissue tightness/restriction.
This assessment is performed alongside traditional range of motion measurements, strength testing, and other special tests. Once the full assessment is complete, your therapist can then quickly and efficiently design a treatment plan to address the identified dysfunctions.
Throughout the rehabilitation process, your therapist will frequently reassess movement patterns using the SFMA to monitor progress. As the originally dysfunctional movement patterns improve, so will your pain.
What are the benefits?
The SFMA does not only address the painful joint, but the entire body. By correcting dysfunctional movement patterns throughout the body, you are more likely to prevent any future pain or injuries.
What conditions/injuries does this treat?
The SFMA is appropriate for anyone who is experiencing pain. It can aid in treating any injury or condition.
Who can perform a Selective Functional Movement Assessment?
SFMA training is done through continuing education courses. One must take the SFMA Level 1 course and take the online exam afterward to become certified. Additional training includes the SFMA Level 2 course.