Find a Physical Therapist who specializes in McKenzie Method
What is the McKenzie Method?
The McKenzie Method, also known as “Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy” has been a well-researched and trusted approach used worldwide since development the 1950s. What makes it unique is a very systematic, reliable assessment of movements to evaluate pain-response and determine a treatment classification.
How does it work?
Often, a “directional preference” is found that identifies a simple exercise which may eliminate pain.
What are the benefits?
Because this method is founded on educating and empowering the patient, it allows the patient to self-treat, maintain, and prevent future episodes of pain independently.
What conditions/injuries does this treat?
While this approach was initially focused on treating back and neck pain, it has now evolved to include treatment of upper and lower extremity limb conditions.
Who can perform McKenzie Method?
The McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy Education Program consists of comprehensive post-grad course study, there are four parts of the training process (A,B,C,D) and then a a credentialing exam for certification.