Surgery Packing List
Have you thought about what to pack for your upcoming surgery? Here is a list of items you will want to make sure to bring with you on surgery day to make it as efficient and comfortable as possible.
- List of all medications and doses
- All actual medications including any OTC medications, home medications, and medications prescribed by Patient Navigator during joint camp in their original, labeled bottles along with the booklet
- Healthcare directive
- Photo ID
- Insurance card
- Toiletries
- Hearing aids (if applicable)
- Glasses or contacts case/solution (if applicable)
- Comfortable clothing with elastic waistbands, preferably gym shorts or sweats
- Assistive devices (if recommended by your provider)
- Solid, well-fitting tennis shoes
- Cell phone/iPad with charger
- Book
Coordinating transportation & care after surgery
It is also essential to remember to arrange for a friend, family member, or other caregiver to drive you home once discharged, and to have a responsible adult available to help care for you for the first 24 hours in your home.