Arthritis Video Library
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 53 million U.S. adults have arthritis. While arthritis is often seen as a single medical condition, there are actually multiple types, with each causing joint pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.
At Summit Orthopedics, we offer the highest standard of care for arthritis, including evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation for patients in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. This includes both nonsurgical and surgical treatment options, including knee and hip joint replacements when needed.
- If you were recently diagnosed with arthritis, you may have many questions. You may want to learn more about your symptoms, how arthritis is treated and what you can do to find relief.
- If you already have arthritis, you may wonder whether your symptoms will worsen over time, what you can do to protect your joints and whether you will need joint replacement.
- If you don’t have arthritis, you may be curious about whether you can do anything to lower your risk of developing it in the future.
You can find these answers and others in our library of video content. We’ve created these resources with you in mind—and if you have other questions, we’re here to help.
- Arthritis and Exercise
- Arthritis and Old Age
- Diagnosing Arthritis
- Early Arthritis Diagnosis Benefits
- Evaluating Joint Replacement
- Inside an Arthritic Joint
- Living With Arthritis
- Preventing Arthritis
- Signs of Arthritis
Have other questions about arthritis? Find an arthritis expert or request an appointment online to schedule a consultation.