We’ve all heard the phrase “to get out and stretch your legs” — it means to go for a walk. But what happens when stretching your legs begins to cause a painful flareup? If you want to learn more about what causes low back pain and leg pain when you’re walking, read on.
“This type of pain can be quite debilitating for patients, making it difficult to do the activities they enjoy,” said Summit interventional pain specialist Connor Richardson, M.D. “I would encourage these patients to come be evaluated, since there are multiple interventions that may help get them back to doing what they love.”
One type of low back pain and leg pain that happens while walking (and gets better with rest) is called neurogenic claudication. Neurogenic claudication feels like muscle pain, which can feel like a muscle cramp. Some people experience pain that they describe as aching or tingling. Notably, the pain can be relieved by leaning forward.
What causes neurogenic claudication?
If you’re having neurogenic claudication symptoms, spinal stenosis is the most likely culprit. Spinal stenosis is narrowing of the spinal canal, most often due to wear and tear. As the spinal canal narrows, it can put pressure on the spinal nerves, which can become irritated. This irritation of the spinal nerves causes the symptoms.
One important thing to note: neurogenic claudication is different from vascular claudication, which is caused by circulation problems. Although the pain is the same, neurogenic claudication is caused by a problem with the spine.
What can be done to improve neurogenic claudication symptoms? I want to be able to walk without pain.
To relieve symptoms, there are a range of options. In some cases, nonsurgical treatments will be enough to manage symptoms. These include:
- Medications
- Physical therapy to stretch and strengthen the area
- Injections to deliver medicines to reduce inflammation or promote healing
In severe cases, patients may need surgery to address the underlying spinal stenosis. There are a variety of surgical procedures possible, including several minimally invasive procedures to give the nerves more room without needing to make big incisions or requiring a long and complex recovery.
“Neurogenic claudication can be difficult to distinguish from other etiologies of low back and leg pain,” Dr. Richardson said. “It is important to be evaluated and properly diagnosed, as the appropriate treatment can help reduce pain and improve function.”