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Herniated Disc vs. Disc Bulges

Summit Orthopedics spine specialists Steven Stulc, DO and Erik Ekstrom, MD share what the difference is between a herniated disc and a bulging disc.

Herniated Disc vs. Bulging Disc: Understanding the Difference

Lower back pain affects up to 80% of adults during their lifetime. One of the most common causes of lower back pain is a herniated disc, sometimes referred to as a slipped disc or ruptured disc. Although many people have bulging discs, herniation can come without warning. Understanding the difference between a herniated disc and a bulging disc is key to finding the right treatment. Summit Orthopedics has the care Minneapolis residents need for herniated discs and other spine problems.

What Is a Disc?

The bones in your spine are called vertebrae. Between the vertebrae are small flat discs of tissue that act like cushions, absorbing shock and providing flexibility. Sometimes called intervertebral discs, they have two main parts: 

As you age, your discs tend to shrink and become less flexible, which makes them more likely to bulge or herniate.

Herniated Discs vs. Bulging Discs, Explained

A bulging disc occurs when the nucleus pulposus pushes against the outer layer, causing the disc to slightly bulge outward but the annulus fibrosus remains intact. (Think of it like a balloon that gets squeezed but doesn’t pop.) This bulging can create pressure on nearby nerves but often doesn’t cause any pain or require treatment unless it progresses.

In contrast, a herniated disc happens when the inner layer breaks through the outer layer. This can result in pressure on spinal nerves and potentially cause pain and other problems. Herniated discs can happen in the neck, mid-back or lower back, and symptoms vary depending on where in the spine the herniation occurs.

Aging is the most common reason people develop bulging or herniated discs, but the conditions are also caused by improper lifting, repetitive strain on the back, being overweight or having a sedentary lifestyle. A bulging disc can progress to a herniated disc over time, but not all bulging discs become herniated. Preventive measures, including maintaining good posture, proper lifting techniques and core-strengthening exercises, can help reduce your risk.

Bulging and Herniated Discs: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Often there are no symptoms for a bulging disc or a herniated disc. If there are symptoms, a bulging disc is likely to cause milder pain than a herniated disc. The most common symptoms include:

Symptoms may only appear on one side of your body. Diagnosing a bulging or herniated disc involves a physical exam and sometimes diagnostic imaging such as an MRI or CT scan. 

Herniated Disc Treatment

Pain caused by a bulging or herniated disc will usually get better on its own. Rest and anti-inflammatory medications are often enough to improve symptoms, but nagging pain may benefit from physical therapy. In severe cases, your spine specialist may recommend herniated disc surgery. Slipped disc surgery may be necessary particularly if nerve compression causes significant pain or mobility issues.

There is help for lower back pain. Find a spine expert or request an appointment online.
